Thursday, April 4, 2013

Have You Heard The Stars Sing?

"What?", you might be asking. What do you mean have I heard the stars sing? I was listening to Louie Giglio again. This time it was his message entitled Symphony (I Lift My Hands). Anyway, he read out of Psalm 148 "Praise Him sun and moon. Praise Him all you shining stars." I did not realize that some (maybe all, I don't know) stars emit radio frequencies that scientists have been able to pick up. He played some clips of them. It's so amazing! And crazy. ;) Who knew that something so miraculous was happening? I should have. After all, God created this magnificent place we live in. So then he goes on to talk about whales and plays a clip of the whales' song. Then he does a mash up of all of them together. All I can say is that you have to listen to it. I was blown away. And yes I cried. It's so amazing. It's so wonderful to think of what it's going to be like when we're singing in heaven. "How great is our God?"

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, I cried too. It is amazing and beyond anything I can imagine, all that God made that we are totally unaware of!!! And yes, it made me think of heaven too, and how much more awesome that will be!!! :)
