Monday, August 19, 2013

Ronan is 2 months old!

   I can't believe my little boy is getting so big! He's not sleeping as much as he used to and when he's awake, he's very smiley (most of the time). As with Olivia, my milk supply hasn't been keeping up with the demands of a growing baby, so I've been supplementing with formula. It isn't something that I would choose to do, but if I must I must. So for the last couple of weeks we have been trying to find a formula that doesn't make Ronan gassy and/or constipated. Unfortunately Nutramigen seems to be working the best, which means we'll be paying more than we thought we would for formula. I'm hoping that as he gets older he won't need the milk proteins broken down so much and we can switch to Gentlease (which is what we used for Olivia and is a lot cheaper).
   As sad as it is, we haven't had a "photo shoot" for Ronan. There are lots of pictures of him, but we don't have any of the cute newborn ones that you normally take. Melanie said she would take our pictures, but we have yet to find a day that works well for all of us. So today I decided I would take my camera and make a feeble attempt to get a few cute pictures.

 At 7 weeks and 2 days:
weight: 9 lbs, 13 oz. - 25%
height: 22.5 in. - 50%
head circumference: 38.5 cm - 25%

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting some pictures! Like Chandler says, "He is a cutie. His bear is a cutie, too!" :) So glad he is a good baby for you.
