Friday, September 27, 2013


My goodness, this child is too funny. Every day it seems she is doing something that makes me smile or laugh. This was today when she was listening to VegiTales. I missed the very beginning when she was really bee-bopping her head to the music.

Don't ask me where she got the idea that this is a bra, but she loves to wear one. ;)

 The other day I was helping her get dressed...
"What's this? Oooh, underwear!"
"Actually, Olivia, it's called a diaper cover."
"Oh! Haha! A diaper cover? Thanks, Mom, you're the best!"
This was accompanied by a huge hug. Melted my heart. made me laugh, too, when I was trying to figure out where she'd heard "you're the best". Probably Mickey Mouse. Can't you hear it - "Thanks, Minnie, you're the best!" But she's said it several times since then and every time my heart melts a little.

This might be a little TMI, but it's funny none the less. We got her a little toddler seat to go on the toilet and so she's starting to go potty like a "big girl" some. The other day she was sitting there and said, "Oh, it's coming, it's coming! Hmmm. (toot) I pooped!" So very proud of herself. ;)

She still thinks of my stomach whenever she sees a balloon. It usually sounds like this...
"A bayoon (balloon)! Mama's tummy pop!"
"Mama's tummy popped?"
"Get Wonan (Ronan) out. Doctor."
"Mama went to the Doctor and he helped her get Ronan out of her tummy?"
"Yeah! It pop! My doctor?"
"You want to go to the doctor?"

She still loves coloring and writing. You have to watch her though, because sometimes she makes a bit of a mess.

Luckily this was a dry eraser marker and came right off the table.

She loves to sing. A few of her favorites right now:
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
ABC song
Pop Goes the Weasel
Ring Around the Rosie
(These two are usually sung together, "Pop goes the rosies, ashies, ashies, we all fall down.")
Building Up the Temple
Deep and Wide
Yesterday she even played the piano very nicely while she sang "My Peace I Give Unto You".

Things she loves...

Looking at herself in the mirror.

Being a big sister.


  1. im Deing Over Here! :) Love This Girl!

  2. This just made my day. Finding your blog and my crazy little bratty-brat. :):) I've been missing you and your kiddies a lot so I'm glad I found this. Love you guys.
