Friday, April 19, 2013

Annabella's Birthday Party

Yesterday Olivia and I went to the birthday party of this precious 1 year old.
Devouring her beautiful cake.
It was so fun to be there with all of our littles. I think it's the first time we've all been together since all the babies were born last year. The only people missing were Melanie and her kids (she volunteers at Brandon's
school on Thursdays).
The moms' lunch.
Drinks and the kids' lunch bags.

Bella's birthday cake.


 Lunch was scrumptious. For the kids, Ruthie had bags with pb&j sandwiches (with crusts off), raisins, and bubbles (for the older kids) and toys (for the younger kids). They also had little cups with little fruit, vegi, and meat kabobs. The moms feasted on chicken pasta salad, spinach orzo salad, grapes, cantaloupe, and strawberries. For drinks, there was water, strawberry milk, and lemonade. For dessert there were little chocolate cakes, mexican wedding cookies, and some type of sugar cookie, I think.
Fruits, vegis, and meat for the kids.

Some of the kids turning 1 this year.
 There was so much to keep all the kids busy. There were lots of toys to play with, a little sandbox (which was Olivia's favorite, I think), and sidewalk chalk. One or two of the boys had brought their toy guns. Even the girls thought those were pretty fun!

Some of the "older" kids.

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Opening presents. 

It was so much fun and such a beautiful day to be outside. It makes me want to have a "just because" lunch sometime. Maybe we can all meet up at the park or something...

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